
Why our co-founder started a psychedelic news show

Why our co-founder started a psychedelic news show

Dr. Dave’s discoveries on healing

Apollo Neuro™ co-founder Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist trained in Ketamine and MDMA-assisted therapy. He has always been fascinated by consciousness and our inherent ability to heal ourselves from illness and injury. While working at the University of Pittsburgh studying treatment-resistant PTSD and addiction disorders in Veterans, Dr. Dave was attempting to answer one major question: If trauma disrupts our sense of safety leaving us feeling afraid, is it possible to help people with PTSD recover by restoring their sense of safety?

In 2016, Dr. Dave received his training in MDMA-assisted therapy, currently the leading psychedelic therapy for PTSD that just completed FDA Phase 3 clinical trials with astonishing results! Learning about these findings and seeing how MDMA works in therapy with patients, Dr. Dave noticed that MDMA seemed to be activating the safety pathways in the brains of patients going through trauma therapy and helping them recover. If safety is one element of good outcomes, could there be a natural way, without medicine, to remind us that we’re safe enough to allow healing to turn on? More specifically, is it possible to replicate some of the safety-enhancing benefits of MDMA therapy with wearable technology?

It was at this time that Dr. Dave dove into the science of soothing touch, one of the oldest ways of reminding us that we’re safe, dating back to the first mammals. He reviewed the scientific literature in depth and mapped out the entire touch receptor system in the human body and found that there is a pathway from the skin directly to our emotional nervous system that  is activated immediately to help us feel safe, without us having to do anything. This led to the second big question: Could the feeling of safety be delivered to our bodies by sending soothing vibrations to our touch receptors with a wearable? The answer was yes – and Apollo Neuro was born! 

In testing, Dr. Dave found that Apollo was so helpful for him personally that he and his wife Kathryn made it available to everyone as a wellness device that does not require a prescription. Dr. Dave’s research on healing trauma, wearables and psychedelic therapy is lighting the path for the development of new treatments for mental illnesses like PTSD.

Introducing: The Psychedelic Report 

In addition to being actively involved in creating technology products that improve mental health at Apollo Neuro, Dr. Dave is a practicing psychiatrist and a leading expert in psychedelic therapy in America. He is thrilled to bring you the newest developments from the world of psychedelic science and technology in his new show, The Psychedelic Report - your single source of truth for the psychedelic news.

From researchers and investors to physicians and shamans  — each week, Dr. Dave brings you the latest news and answers your questions to share perspectives from the front lines of this exciting movement.

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Episode 1: Uplifting Global Consciousness with Jamie Wheal

Is it possible to uplift global consciousness in one generation? Jamie Wheal is an acclaimed speaker and author of both Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex, and Death in a World That's Lost Its Mind and Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work. In this episode, Jamie and Dr. Dave explore how we can take control over our lives and our consciousness, and what we can learn from psychedelic states. 

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Episode 2: Consciousness-Altering Technology

Is it possible to learn how to push the boundaries of our minds and bodies with technology? Is medicine really required to access non-ordinary states of consciousness? In this episode, recorded at Upgrade Labs Biohacking Conference in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Dave explores all this and more with special guests Amy Stanton, founder of Stanton & Co., and Ariel Garten, co-founder of Muse. Dive into the world of consciousness-altering technology and learn about the benefits of cutting-edge wearables like Apollo Neuro, Muse, and BrainTap. 

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Want to listen to Dr. Dave on more podcast episodes? Explore his appearances here