
Why Do I Sweat In My Sleep? Night Sweat Causes

Why Do I Sweat In My Sleep? Night Sweat Causes


Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, drenched in night sweat, feeling like you've just run a marathon in your sleep? If you've experienced hot flashes and night sweating, you're not alone. Night sweats are a common occurrence and medical condition that can leave you feeling puzzled and uncomfortable. But fear not! Our friendly neuroscience experts are here to shed light on this sweaty situation and provide you with some valuable tips to keep those night sweats at bay and ensure you’re getting enough high-quality sleep.

The mystery of night sweats

Night sweats, also known as sleep hyperhidrosis or nocturnal hyperhidrosis, are excessive sweating periods during sleep. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis can range from slight dampness to thoroughly soaking your pajamas and sheets. While it's easy to associate nighttime sweating with being hot, night sweats and increased sweating can happen even in a comfortable and cool environment. 

Causes of night sweats

So, this begs the question: Why do I sweat in my sleep? A variety of factors can trigger night sweats. Let's dive into some common reasons why you might find yourself waking up in a pool of sweat:

  1. Anxiety and stress

Your brain and body are deeply interconnected. When you're stressed or anxious, and you find that you can’t sleep at night, your brain can activate your body's "fight or flight" response, leading to an increase in heart rate, breathing, and, yes, sweating. These nighttime worries and anxiety disorders can manifest as vivid dreams or even nightmares, and is a common cause for causing your body to react with excessive sweating.

  1. Medications

Believe it or not, some medications might be the culprit behind your nighttime sweating sessions. Certain antidepressants, hormone therapies, and even fever-reducing drugs can mess with your body's temperature regulation system, and can be a common cause of leading to those dreaded night sweats.

  1. Hormonal fluctuations

Many readers are no strangers to hormonal changes, especially during menstruation or menopause (hello hot flashes). The hormonal fluctuations that occur during these hormonal changes can lead to temperature dysregulation, resulting in — you guessed it — night sweats. But don't worry, understanding the cause of imbalanced hormone levels can help you manage the night sweat symptoms.

  1. Infections

Sometimes, underlying infections can lead to night sweats. If you're experiencing other unexplained symptoms alongside your night sweats, it might be a good idea to consult a medical professional.

  1. Sleep environment

Believe it or not, your sleep environment can contribute to those nocturnal perspiration episodes. An overly warm room, heavy blankets, or sleeping on a mattress that doesn't regulate heat well can all lead to increased sweating during the night. Don’t skimp on making your bed a super comfy place to be. Depending on where you live, this could include heat or air conditioning, but studies show that 65 degrees Fahrenheit is the magic number. 

  1. Diet and lifestyle

What you eat and drink before bed can impact your body's internal temperature regulation. Spicy foods, caffeine, meat, and alcohol can all lead to increased heart rate and body temperature, potentially triggering night sweating.

Tips to keep you sweat-free

Now that we've unraveled some of the mysteries behind night sweats let's explore some strategies to help you stay comfortable and dry throughout the night:

  1. Create a comfortable sleep environment

Maintain a bedroom temperature that suits your preferences. Invest in breathable bedding and consider upgrading your mattress (or mattress pad!) to one with cooling properties to help regulate your body temperature while you sleep. 

  1. Stay hydrated

While it might seem counterintuitive, staying hydrated during the day can actually help regulate your body's temperature at night. When you're dehydrated, your body has a harder time cooling itself down.

  1. Choose the right sleepwear

Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics when choosing your sleep attire. Natural fibers like cotton or linen are excellent choices, as they allow air to circulate and moisture to evaporate.

  1. Manage stress and anxiety

Engage in relaxation techniques before bedtime to calm your mind and body. Invite the Apollo wearable into your nighttime routine to help wash the day's stresses away. A warm bath or shower can help lower stress levels and reduce the chances of triggering night sweats.

  1. Monitor your diet

Be mindful of your food and drink choices, especially in the evening. Avoid consuming spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime to prevent unnecessary temperature fluctuations.

  1. Consult a healthcare professional

If your night sweats are persistent, severe, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's wise to consult a healthcare provider. They can help identify any underlying medical conditions and recommend appropriate treatment and help you learn how to get better sleep.

While night sweats might seem like a mysterious and uncomfortable phenomenon, or you’re quick to write yourself off as a ‘hot sleeper’, understanding their common causes and implementing simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference. By creating a sleep-conducive environment, managing stress, using a vagus nerve stimulator, and making mindful dietary choices, you can enjoy restful nights without the interruption of night sweats. If your night sweats persist despite your best efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional medical advice. Remember, a good night's sleep is within your reach—sweat-free.