Performance Optimization & Recovery Enhancement

Tap into your best self
The Apollo wearable improves your body’s resilience to stress and maximizes recovery so you can perform at your highest abilities, no matter what. Wake up energized, find focus and flow, stay mindful, and get your best sleep yet.

Apollo for high performance
Try this routine to optimize your mental and physical performance, from the gym to the workplace.

Get in the zone with Focus to be clear-headed and razor-focused. Whether you’re heading into a workout or a presentation, give it your all.

Recenter and rebalance quickly from a long day of work, stress from travel, or a tough workout with Recover.

About one hour before bed, use Unwind while you read, brush your teeth, or anything else in your pre-bed routine.

Set Sleep as your silent lullaby to lull yourself into sleep.

Get an extra boost to start the day, improve wakefulness, and tap into your natural energy.
The research behind Apollo and performance

A recently published double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial conducted by the University of Pittsburgh showed that the Apollo wearable can help us recover faster after a strenuous activity as measured by improved heart rate variability (HRV).
Sit down with Apollo Neuro: Higher performance and faster recovery

“Apollo is the only wearable device available that will modulate your heart rate variability to a higher level and put you in a meditative state without meditating. You're calmer, you're more relaxed, you're able to focus.”

Joseph C. Maroon, MD
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Neurosurgical Consultant - The Pittsburgh Steelers, Medical Director - WWE